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Sunday, May 10, 2020


Blessed are all those who have their mothers
To protect and save them, like stolid buffers.
Who else is going to keep a vigilant eye, so that
Nothing untoward, our hopes and dreams, smothers?

Where on earth, will you find someone like a mother
Who braves all odds, so her children won't  suffer ?
Where else will you find such a cosy bosom, where
Without compunction, you can snuggle into shelter ?

Without becoming a mother first, you can't ever know
What a mother does to you, to make you grow.
When she puts her eyes into thine, and stares at you
The embryo of love takes shape and begins to grow.

Her touch brings to life, all that the future will unfold.
Without her touch, you would never learn to uphold
And assimilate the gifts of Nature, benignly bestowed.
Yes, the eyes to wonder, following the eyes to behold !

Bonding with your mother will ensure that you peep
And ask yourself incessantly : How deep is deep
When you begin to enter the depths of the human heart ?
And that will be a memento, worthwhile to keep !

Om Shantih
Ajit Sambodhi

Sunday, May 3, 2020


Hi!Downcast?Not allowed to venture outside?
Figuring out how the impalpable time to bide?
My friend, you can put all your worries aside.
Stay with me. I will take you along-- INSIDE.

Inside is where you are always, most welcome
Inside is where everything is just awesome
Like as outside, there is a wide spectrum
Of things and events, that are all winsome .

Find how different is being inside from outside.
Outside, you fry and cry ; and shy and hide.
You kick off and show off and pamper your pride.
Inside you take everything in your stride !

Inside you won't find heat, sweat, or tenterhook
As things go, don't have no heartbreaks to brook.
There is no toil or moil or turmoil to withstand.
In every nook and corner it is illumination to book.

There will be lights galore: blue, pink and white
And you will see red, yellow, green and violet.
What lights you see, depends on how deep you go
The deeper you go, lotuses will turn blue or violet.

You can go places you have never before been to
There will be mountains, lakes and rivers too
Trees, skies, stars, galaxies, and the blue moon.
And you may come across you-- one light in two !

Om Shantih
Ajit Sambodhi