In 1965, Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson were working for the Bell Laboratories on a project for detecting faint radio waves. They were experimenting with a very sensitive horn antenna. After they had eliminated all imaginable interference that could affect their receiver, they were intrigued to notice a steady, low, mysterious noise that persisted day and night. It extended beyond the galaxy and came from all over the space. After a lot of scientific deliberations, it was found that the duo had stumbled upon the background microwave radiation that permeated the whole universe. This radiation was interpreted as a signature of the Big Bang. They received the Nobel Prize for Physics for their joint discovery in 1978. Now what is this background noise ? Well, noise is defined as a set of multiple frequencies that have no simple rhythmical relationship between them. Kashmir Shaivism has something to say on frequencies.
The mainstay of Kashmir Shaivism is the principle of spanda. Spanda is the name of an impulse of cosmic consciousness that manifests itself as vibration. It is the causa prima, the first cause of creation. It is also the causa sui, of creation. If I explain it less literally, it means, it is born of itself. And therefore it has no antecedents. There is a popular Shaivite saying: sa sphuratta mahasatta. "This vibrating consciousness is the supreme reality". It follows naturally, that the vibrational frequency of spanda is the Universal Frequency that mothers and encompasses all the other frequencies, including the background noise of Penzias and Wilson. It is the dance of these frequencies that gives rise to this world of variegated colors and untold possibilities. Hindoos call this dance the Dance of Shiva. Verily, Shiva is no other than the Universal Consciousness. And His steps, gestures and poses depict the interplay of various cosmic frequencies.
Fritjof Capra, the high-energy physicist who shot into fame with the publication of his book The Tao Of Physics, describes his first encounter with the dance of cosmic frequencies in a fascinating way. Says he: "Five years ago, I had a beautiful experience which led me on a road that has led to the writing of this book. I was sitting by the ocean one late summer afternoon, watching the waves rolling in and feeling the rhythm of my breathing, when I suddenly became aware of my whole environment as being engaged in a gigantic cosmic dance... I 'saw' cascades of energy coming down from outer space, in which particles were created and destroyed in rhythmic pulses; I 'saw' the atoms of the elements and those of my body participating in the cosmic dance of energy; I felt its rhythm and I 'heard' its sound, and at that moment I knew that this was the Dance of Shiva, the Lord of Dancers worshipped by the Hindus".
Fritjof Capra must have earned a lot of merit to melt Shiva's heart who then unlocked his locks of hair to reveal his cosmic play that goes on uninterruptedly behind the phenomenal subterfuge addressed as matter. All matter is engaged in an endless hidden play of energy frequencies behind a static facade. Mountains or molecules, atoms or phantoms, protons or electrons, time or space --every thing known or unknown is vibrating and therefore has a natural frequency of its own. This natural frequency is often called the fundamental frequency. When the fundamental frequency obtains an optimum amplitude because of resonance, it is called the resonant frequency. Resonant frequency may have a range of related frequencies called the harmonics. These harmonics are the overtones that serve as stepping stones to bring about harmony in one's life. Love blossoms when these harmonics bloom into full blown resonance.
According to its attributes the Universal Frequency, spanda, is variously described as abhasan, reflection; sphuran, throb; kampan, shudder; unmilan, unfoldment; nishyand, flux; unmesh, expansion; sphote, explosion. When we are in the abhasan or the reflective mode, the resonance or dissonance with certain frequencies causes enchantment or disenchantment in us. The frequencies that we resonate with, attract us. Non resonant frequencies repel us. For example it is not uncommon to spot a couple of faces squirming or yawning in the midst of a classical concert. Clearly they are not in harmony with the harmonics of the sound bytes being played there. May be the soundtracks of Why This Kolaveri Di from the muzak is all that they need to perk up ! It is the transference of sound energy, all the same, that takes place in both the cases but it is the frequency of the vibrations that makes the difference !
Recently I heard Sister Shivani, a rising star on the spirituality circuit, cite an example of a couple having nightmares of a particular type regularly for sometime. Then one day the nightmares stopped as suddenly as they had come. It came as the most revealing surprise to the couple to know that their nightmares matched exactly with the nightmarish thoughts of their kitchen help who cooked food for them ! The day the cook came out of her depression, the couple's nightmares stopped ! Obviously, the couple must have picked out the lowered resonant frequencies of the cook, filtering out other frequencies from her. It must have happened by way of the food they ate, food that had been cooked by one having negative energy. Lower frequencies-- and foods have a lower frequency vis a vis human beings-- work like a sponge for negative energy because negative energy lowers the threshold of human frequency.
In 1992, Bruce Tainio of Tainio Technology in Cheney, Washington built a machine named BT3 with which he determined the Hertzian frequencies of human beings and their various organs, different foods, herbs, and diseased cells. He found out that a healthy human body had a frequency range of 62-78 MHz, while fresh foods had a range of 20-27 MHz. As expected, all canned/processed/microwaved foods had a frequency of 0 Hz. Chaotic, depressive, negative, and extravagant thoughts were found to bring the human frequency down drastically, so that a symbiotic relationship was established between people with unstable minds and their hearty fares. Obviously, such people gorge themselves which further lowers their frequencies, which in turn turns them on for further binging. Long term indulgence of this kind is likely to compromise the immune system.
To have a lowered immune system is like giving an invitation to the host of illnesses. It was found that diseases like cold and flu start between the range of 57-60 MHz, cancer around 42 MHz and finally death between 20-25 MHz. In contrast, people who are spiritually developed have a frequency range of 92-360 MHz. Foods fall way behind them and don't seem to tempt them. Pavhari Baba, as the name clearly indicates lived only on air, that is, he ate no food. When Swami Vivekanand visited Baba in Kashi, he became so fascinated by him that he deliberated for 21 days if he should swap Sri Ramakrishna for him ! Yogananda Paramhansa mentions one yogini Giri Bala who gave up food after being scolded by her mother-in-law over her gluttony. He also mentions another saint, Therese Neumann from Bavaria, who left taking food at the age of 25 and lived only on God's Light !
If the resonant mode is a sphote or explosion, we may experience an explosion, a literal one, or an implosion if it is a meditational experience. Many opera singers are known to have shattered wine glasses with their high decibel notes. If they are dead-on pitchwise, and tested the fundamental frequency of the glass beforehand, they can put 100 decibels of volume to their vocal frequency and cause an explosion. A report in the Scientific American of August 23, 2007 reads: "Champagne flutes shatter, monocles crack, and the chandelier explodes as the power of her voice wreaks havoc on the concert hall". When the crescendo of the opera singer's voice reaches the resonant frequency of the glasses, there is a nishyand, a flux of energy by way of her high pitched frequency which overbears the resonant amplitude and explodes, turning glasses into smithereens.
Dr. Royal Raymond Rife, a scientist, inventor, and innovator used spanda of sphote, that is, vibrations of explosion, for humanitarian purposes in the late 20's and the early 30's of the bygone century. Firstly he designed and made microscopes, spectroscopes, frequency instruments, micromanipulators, stop-motion photomicrograph instruments, and many other optical tools. The microscope that he created was named Universal Microscope as it had a very high magnification and could view living micro-organisms. For keeping the organisms alive he stained them with resonant light frequencies, that is, he tuned the light frequency to that of the micro-organism which made the organism luminiscent. The usual practice was to stain them with chemicals that killed the organisms. But he wanted the organisms alive so that he could make use of their resonant frequencies.
He developed a frequency instrument for measuring frequencies of various micro organisms. He named resonant frequency Mortal Oscillatory Rate or MOR for short. He would then create a corresponding frequency with his quartz prizms and send it to the area affected by the organism. If the induced vibrations were powerful enough and long enough, they would cause the organism to explode. The clear advantage of this process was that the correct frequency would affect only the diseased cells and tissues leaving the healthy areas untouched. He treated hundreds of tubercular and cancer patients successfully with this technique. You may wonder whatever happened to the technique because we never hear about it. Well, all his invented machines and every bit of his technique was confiscated and destroyed. But that is a different story. However if you want to know about it, you may go to the book Royal R. Rife : Humanitarian Betrayed And Persecuted written by Gerald F. Foye.
I made a mention above that implosion happens in meditation. It is the end result of a long process which begins with unmilan or the unfolding of the psychic energy, popularly called the kundalini. Kundalini is said to lie coiled up at the basal chakra. In meditation when the meditator raises his frequency to correspond with that of the basal chakra, the chakra begins to vibrate and emit red light. This is called the opening of the chakra. Blockages are removed and cleansing starts. Regular practice frees one from the sleeping, eating and defacating syndrome. When the chakra is cleansed, the energy moves on to the sacral chakra and activates it. An orange light begins to flicker which frees one from the Freudian obsessions. One then moves on to the solar plexus. When this starts resonating, a yellow light appears which wipes away ego and its cohorts--anger, pride, jealousy, greed, attachment, lust.
For some this stage marks the end of their spiritual journey, though all that they have done by now amounts only to offloading their past cumbersome baggage. Of course this also is a formidable job, I mean this cleansing of the house, but they have not gained anything besides feeling light. If one persists and raises one's frequency enough to induce resonance in the heart chakra, one is overwhelmed by an onrush of compassion in him. A steady green glow welcomes him. He is on the peak. He can see the debris he had been through and left behind, the carcasses of the phantoms that had relentlessly beleaguered him. The journey onwards is of frolic, and of dance which intensifies and becomes refined at the throat chakra. The light here is of intense blue color. Meditation on this chakra, or speaking scientifically, resonating with this chakra, intensely for a long period rids one from the pangs of hunger, for ever !
As one approaches the ajna chakra, in the middle of the eye brows, one begins to hear the otherworldy naad. Yes, naad is the music of the higher regions, of the rarefied frequencies, not the noise of Penzias' and Wilson's microwave frequencies. This is the music that had enchanted Mira, Surdas, Kabir, ... and ... Fritjof Capra ! Unknowingly, Fritjof had synchronized with the frequencies of ajna chakra and as he says "I 'heard' its sound", he heard the divine naad. From here it is a touch and go. Literally speaking ajna means permission. If you are permitted, you go forward ... only to be lost... of course in the worldly sense. In my blog of September 30, 2010 on Dipawali: The Festival Of Lights, I have narrated the experience of Pt. Gopi Krishna when he reached sahasrar unprepared, or say, without permission. It left him with problems that trailed him all his life. But if one goes well prepared one may, if one is lucky, experience an implosion of light, which means one is resonating with spanda, the Universal Frequency. After that, bits of the imploded light permeate one's whole body and one experiences oneness with the Universal Light. Enlightened ? Well, what else does Universal Light do ?
Om Shantih
Ajit Sambodhi
The mainstay of Kashmir Shaivism is the principle of spanda. Spanda is the name of an impulse of cosmic consciousness that manifests itself as vibration. It is the causa prima, the first cause of creation. It is also the causa sui, of creation. If I explain it less literally, it means, it is born of itself. And therefore it has no antecedents. There is a popular Shaivite saying: sa sphuratta mahasatta. "This vibrating consciousness is the supreme reality". It follows naturally, that the vibrational frequency of spanda is the Universal Frequency that mothers and encompasses all the other frequencies, including the background noise of Penzias and Wilson. It is the dance of these frequencies that gives rise to this world of variegated colors and untold possibilities. Hindoos call this dance the Dance of Shiva. Verily, Shiva is no other than the Universal Consciousness. And His steps, gestures and poses depict the interplay of various cosmic frequencies.
Fritjof Capra, the high-energy physicist who shot into fame with the publication of his book The Tao Of Physics, describes his first encounter with the dance of cosmic frequencies in a fascinating way. Says he: "Five years ago, I had a beautiful experience which led me on a road that has led to the writing of this book. I was sitting by the ocean one late summer afternoon, watching the waves rolling in and feeling the rhythm of my breathing, when I suddenly became aware of my whole environment as being engaged in a gigantic cosmic dance... I 'saw' cascades of energy coming down from outer space, in which particles were created and destroyed in rhythmic pulses; I 'saw' the atoms of the elements and those of my body participating in the cosmic dance of energy; I felt its rhythm and I 'heard' its sound, and at that moment I knew that this was the Dance of Shiva, the Lord of Dancers worshipped by the Hindus".
Fritjof Capra must have earned a lot of merit to melt Shiva's heart who then unlocked his locks of hair to reveal his cosmic play that goes on uninterruptedly behind the phenomenal subterfuge addressed as matter. All matter is engaged in an endless hidden play of energy frequencies behind a static facade. Mountains or molecules, atoms or phantoms, protons or electrons, time or space --every thing known or unknown is vibrating and therefore has a natural frequency of its own. This natural frequency is often called the fundamental frequency. When the fundamental frequency obtains an optimum amplitude because of resonance, it is called the resonant frequency. Resonant frequency may have a range of related frequencies called the harmonics. These harmonics are the overtones that serve as stepping stones to bring about harmony in one's life. Love blossoms when these harmonics bloom into full blown resonance.
According to its attributes the Universal Frequency, spanda, is variously described as abhasan, reflection; sphuran, throb; kampan, shudder; unmilan, unfoldment; nishyand, flux; unmesh, expansion; sphote, explosion. When we are in the abhasan or the reflective mode, the resonance or dissonance with certain frequencies causes enchantment or disenchantment in us. The frequencies that we resonate with, attract us. Non resonant frequencies repel us. For example it is not uncommon to spot a couple of faces squirming or yawning in the midst of a classical concert. Clearly they are not in harmony with the harmonics of the sound bytes being played there. May be the soundtracks of Why This Kolaveri Di from the muzak is all that they need to perk up ! It is the transference of sound energy, all the same, that takes place in both the cases but it is the frequency of the vibrations that makes the difference !
Recently I heard Sister Shivani, a rising star on the spirituality circuit, cite an example of a couple having nightmares of a particular type regularly for sometime. Then one day the nightmares stopped as suddenly as they had come. It came as the most revealing surprise to the couple to know that their nightmares matched exactly with the nightmarish thoughts of their kitchen help who cooked food for them ! The day the cook came out of her depression, the couple's nightmares stopped ! Obviously, the couple must have picked out the lowered resonant frequencies of the cook, filtering out other frequencies from her. It must have happened by way of the food they ate, food that had been cooked by one having negative energy. Lower frequencies-- and foods have a lower frequency vis a vis human beings-- work like a sponge for negative energy because negative energy lowers the threshold of human frequency.
In 1992, Bruce Tainio of Tainio Technology in Cheney, Washington built a machine named BT3 with which he determined the Hertzian frequencies of human beings and their various organs, different foods, herbs, and diseased cells. He found out that a healthy human body had a frequency range of 62-78 MHz, while fresh foods had a range of 20-27 MHz. As expected, all canned/processed/microwaved foods had a frequency of 0 Hz. Chaotic, depressive, negative, and extravagant thoughts were found to bring the human frequency down drastically, so that a symbiotic relationship was established between people with unstable minds and their hearty fares. Obviously, such people gorge themselves which further lowers their frequencies, which in turn turns them on for further binging. Long term indulgence of this kind is likely to compromise the immune system.
To have a lowered immune system is like giving an invitation to the host of illnesses. It was found that diseases like cold and flu start between the range of 57-60 MHz, cancer around 42 MHz and finally death between 20-25 MHz. In contrast, people who are spiritually developed have a frequency range of 92-360 MHz. Foods fall way behind them and don't seem to tempt them. Pavhari Baba, as the name clearly indicates lived only on air, that is, he ate no food. When Swami Vivekanand visited Baba in Kashi, he became so fascinated by him that he deliberated for 21 days if he should swap Sri Ramakrishna for him ! Yogananda Paramhansa mentions one yogini Giri Bala who gave up food after being scolded by her mother-in-law over her gluttony. He also mentions another saint, Therese Neumann from Bavaria, who left taking food at the age of 25 and lived only on God's Light !
If the resonant mode is a sphote or explosion, we may experience an explosion, a literal one, or an implosion if it is a meditational experience. Many opera singers are known to have shattered wine glasses with their high decibel notes. If they are dead-on pitchwise, and tested the fundamental frequency of the glass beforehand, they can put 100 decibels of volume to their vocal frequency and cause an explosion. A report in the Scientific American of August 23, 2007 reads: "Champagne flutes shatter, monocles crack, and the chandelier explodes as the power of her voice wreaks havoc on the concert hall". When the crescendo of the opera singer's voice reaches the resonant frequency of the glasses, there is a nishyand, a flux of energy by way of her high pitched frequency which overbears the resonant amplitude and explodes, turning glasses into smithereens.
Dr. Royal Raymond Rife, a scientist, inventor, and innovator used spanda of sphote, that is, vibrations of explosion, for humanitarian purposes in the late 20's and the early 30's of the bygone century. Firstly he designed and made microscopes, spectroscopes, frequency instruments, micromanipulators, stop-motion photomicrograph instruments, and many other optical tools. The microscope that he created was named Universal Microscope as it had a very high magnification and could view living micro-organisms. For keeping the organisms alive he stained them with resonant light frequencies, that is, he tuned the light frequency to that of the micro-organism which made the organism luminiscent. The usual practice was to stain them with chemicals that killed the organisms. But he wanted the organisms alive so that he could make use of their resonant frequencies.
He developed a frequency instrument for measuring frequencies of various micro organisms. He named resonant frequency Mortal Oscillatory Rate or MOR for short. He would then create a corresponding frequency with his quartz prizms and send it to the area affected by the organism. If the induced vibrations were powerful enough and long enough, they would cause the organism to explode. The clear advantage of this process was that the correct frequency would affect only the diseased cells and tissues leaving the healthy areas untouched. He treated hundreds of tubercular and cancer patients successfully with this technique. You may wonder whatever happened to the technique because we never hear about it. Well, all his invented machines and every bit of his technique was confiscated and destroyed. But that is a different story. However if you want to know about it, you may go to the book Royal R. Rife : Humanitarian Betrayed And Persecuted written by Gerald F. Foye.
I made a mention above that implosion happens in meditation. It is the end result of a long process which begins with unmilan or the unfolding of the psychic energy, popularly called the kundalini. Kundalini is said to lie coiled up at the basal chakra. In meditation when the meditator raises his frequency to correspond with that of the basal chakra, the chakra begins to vibrate and emit red light. This is called the opening of the chakra. Blockages are removed and cleansing starts. Regular practice frees one from the sleeping, eating and defacating syndrome. When the chakra is cleansed, the energy moves on to the sacral chakra and activates it. An orange light begins to flicker which frees one from the Freudian obsessions. One then moves on to the solar plexus. When this starts resonating, a yellow light appears which wipes away ego and its cohorts--anger, pride, jealousy, greed, attachment, lust.
For some this stage marks the end of their spiritual journey, though all that they have done by now amounts only to offloading their past cumbersome baggage. Of course this also is a formidable job, I mean this cleansing of the house, but they have not gained anything besides feeling light. If one persists and raises one's frequency enough to induce resonance in the heart chakra, one is overwhelmed by an onrush of compassion in him. A steady green glow welcomes him. He is on the peak. He can see the debris he had been through and left behind, the carcasses of the phantoms that had relentlessly beleaguered him. The journey onwards is of frolic, and of dance which intensifies and becomes refined at the throat chakra. The light here is of intense blue color. Meditation on this chakra, or speaking scientifically, resonating with this chakra, intensely for a long period rids one from the pangs of hunger, for ever !
As one approaches the ajna chakra, in the middle of the eye brows, one begins to hear the otherworldy naad. Yes, naad is the music of the higher regions, of the rarefied frequencies, not the noise of Penzias' and Wilson's microwave frequencies. This is the music that had enchanted Mira, Surdas, Kabir, ... and ... Fritjof Capra ! Unknowingly, Fritjof had synchronized with the frequencies of ajna chakra and as he says "I 'heard' its sound", he heard the divine naad. From here it is a touch and go. Literally speaking ajna means permission. If you are permitted, you go forward ... only to be lost... of course in the worldly sense. In my blog of September 30, 2010 on Dipawali: The Festival Of Lights, I have narrated the experience of Pt. Gopi Krishna when he reached sahasrar unprepared, or say, without permission. It left him with problems that trailed him all his life. But if one goes well prepared one may, if one is lucky, experience an implosion of light, which means one is resonating with spanda, the Universal Frequency. After that, bits of the imploded light permeate one's whole body and one experiences oneness with the Universal Light. Enlightened ? Well, what else does Universal Light do ?
Om Shantih
Ajit Sambodhi