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Wednesday, March 5, 2025

A Cascade of Colours!

When you close your eyes, what do you see?

Most likely it’s a dark curtain that you’ll see.

Dark is black and  black has  zero  frequency 

Yes black is dead. It possesses  zero vibrancy.

Black is wed to dead and dead to  being glad

Got to pull back the curtain, if you aren’t mad.

The only  way out is to work  on your chakras

Turn on the chakras if you don’t want to be sad.

The first chakra is red like it is  the rising sun

It sits at the bottom with lot of strength to stun!

When you need an extra force it stands by you

It is called muladhar and helps in the long run.

The second chakra is orange like it’s orange sun

It helps in extending  your presence, just for fun!

It’s called swadisthan that translates established

In the self. Yes, self not Self! Remember the pun!

The third chakra is yellowish like the fading moon 

It fosters haste, doing everything speedily and soon.

It’s manipur sitting  at the top  of the  lowest  region

In matters of nagmani, bullies make two-bits  croon.

We are at the limits of the familiar, the physical region

Hardly anyone tries to peep into the adjoining domain 

Some day you do come across a soul straining its neck.

The lucky one is stunned locating the lush green region!

This is the terrain of anahat, the heart of unstruck sound 

The physical is ended; the metaphysical takes the ground. 

Now the rules of the game change to navigate you further 

So that one morn you might coo with the soundless sound!

Yes you have reached the vishudh chakra to get purified 

Its krishna blue enjoins on ajna chakra you aren’t denied 

Assent to enter into the  realms of your  loved destination 

Wherein, oceans of lights wait for you  to  get  sanctified!

Ya, this is sahasrar where blaze lights of the thousand suns

The blaze allows no colouration. Pure white is what it guns.

It’s not hot, dazzling it is, your ego gets dissolved for good.

When you come out you are a different breed: son  of  suns!

self = common notation for ego.

Self = it’s used for soul.

nagmani = it’s symbolic of dubious desires.

Om Shantih 

Ajit Sambodhi

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

दुआ दे रहा हूँ

 मैं भूल भी जाऊँ तो क्या होगा 

रब को तो  सब कुछ याद है न 

मेरी   भला   क्या  औक़ात   है 

रब की  रज़ा  तो  क़ायम  है  न।

ये जो रिश्ते हैं अभी के तो नहीं हैं 

ये रिश्ते तो जन्मों से चले  आ रहे 

हम भूलते  रहे हें  तो क्या हो गया 

रूहें   नहीं   भूलतीं   ये   याद  रहे।

तुम दोनों के रिश्ते भी पुराने रहे हें 

रुहों  से  ये  जिस्म  सजते  रहे  हें 

न   तुम   थे  जुदा  न   होगे  जुदा 

बस जिस्मानी  चोगे बदलते रहे हें।

जीवन  की  नदिया  बहती  रही  है 

दो  किनारे  हमेशा  से  चलते रहे हें 

तुम्हारी  ये   नाव   चलती   रही   है 

रब के इशारे से हर काम होते रहे हें।

तहे दिल  से दोनों  को दुआ दे रहा हूँ 

बहारों   को   ये   पैग़ाम  दे   रहा   हूँ 

ख्वाबों   को    तुम्हारे    सजाते    रहें 

रब  से  भी  ये  ही  दुआ  कर  रहा  हूँ।

तुम दोनों को मुबारकबाद 
