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Monday, August 29, 2022

need return of retreats?

There was a time once, call it the golden era of history 
When royals bowed to rishis, and it was not a mystery!
They took their blessings and adopted their teachings
That era provides a proper backdrop for a casehistory!

Lord Sri Krishna had put in place a great many retreats 
Where kings and princes learnt how to take  backseats.
He himself, a titan, went to the retreat of Sandipan rishi
Spent fours years there, working on retreat worksheets.

Kings were betrothed to the well-being of the subjects 
Subjects were freemen in veracious spirit and aspects.
Names pop up as, Harishchandra, Bhartrahari & Janak 
Where it was un heard of, mentioning amoral subjects.

Later on , a time came , there ran the Socratic dialogue
So as  to checkmate  possibile  monocratic  monologue!
'Until philosophers r kings.....cities will never have rest
From their evils'... ran the script to rig out an analogue!

For long, the ship that is our earth, has had no captain
Like king Ashoka, after Kalinga war; who could contain
Such a big empire, while guarding Buddhist principles.
This had a very sobering effect on the wavering brain!

Every ruler now is set, vying to gain control of the helm
There are no qualms about how they might overwhelm!
Is there a doubt that the earth has become unsafe to live?
Isn't it baffling, it doesn't bother  the estate of the realm?

There is dire need for the return of the  ancient retreats
Don't say way-out ! There is no dearth of those retreats.
The infrastructure is there , existent , steady and intact
All we need is a trigger for silently pulsating heartbeats!

Whoever intends to be a ruler must  undergo a training 
I am more than sure, it will be deemed wishful thinking!
But shall we not ask like Socrates, our ruler  be truthful 
and just? Of course , we wish it is not a Socratic ending?

retreat=गुरुकुल, आश्रम।

Hare Krishna!
Ajit Sambodhi 

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

anvi joins uf, gainesville!

Be a bystander and watch life  chugging along
You'll see a moving panorama going dingdong.
It is a kaleidoscope of life's  overriding  events
Albeit, few people let life  sing its  theme song!

Watching will give you space to  breathe freely
Which in turn, will let you see footholds clearly.
You can now easily step into the waiting  slots
You will then flow with the flow of life, adroitly.

Know that the cosmos is run by an intelligence
The whole network works with subtle elegance.
Not for a moment should we ever overlook that 
We are only  a speck of the cosmic intelligence!

Find time to see  wizardry involved in our being
The working of our brain and the interior  being.
It's all mind boggling! We must understand that
The universe works  full-time for our well-being!

The system works impeccably with model ease
We are obliged only to administer some grease.
Yes, the grease of compassion, gratitude & love
You will find blowing over you a kindly breeze!

Hare Krishna !

Monday, August 22, 2022


I dance and sing  through and through 
I love  all  of  my sky  and I love  it blue.
Be  it  a  heartache  or be it a  pancake 
I love them both if they're true and true.

Give  me  a coin, I will fling it in  the air
Let  it  reiterate  it  is an  all time affair.
Life  is  a  journey with  one  goal  stop
You know so well or need a soothsayer?

Like a skier skims  all over the  snows
Slaloming in and out of all the hurdles.
Mark your breath doesn't  go  haywire
As the ski dances across  and  ploughs.

Let  it be a  dancing and singing  affair 
If  it  pleases  you, well, with  a fanfare!
But don't miss the hand at the shoulder
That  runs the  show  with such  a care!

Hare Krishna!
Ajit Sambodhi.

Friday, August 19, 2022

Janmashtmi 2022

Let us  celebrate  the birth  of the unborn!
Didn't He say so  to Arjun , the Kunti-born:
'I taught this yoga to Vivasvan, aeons ago?'
But then, how are we to adorn  the unborn?

Born or unborn , He is present everywhere 
The air smells  of Him , be it  here or there.
Be it any hemisphere , Eastern or Western
Northern or Southern, He's felt everywhere!

What is that which makes Krishna special?
How come, He is so  loved by one  and  all?
Is it the wizardry  of his  bewitching  smile?
Or  His  unfathomable  love  unconditional?

Krishna was pacifist to the core, you see it
He  was  amidst the  war and still  not in  it!
Did anyone ever see Him glum or unhappy?
In fact, His happiness carried  bliss with  it!

A royal by birth , He was atypically humble
Cowherds and gopis made  His  ensemble.
He danced with them with all-out abandon
To begin with, the flute sang the preamble!

It's difficult to pinpoint a single trait in Him
That may qualify  to be called His  eponym.
He is multidimensional and therefore He is
Loved by the multitude. His name  is hymn!

Hymn is charm. It brings about  equanimity 
Equanimity drives away the whim of enmity. 
When fear overrides , things go  skew-whiff
Chanting His name  engenders all-out amity!

Hare Krishna!
Ajit Sambodhi.

Saturday, August 13, 2022

Willing To Meditate?

We have  become  very much commercial
I would say we are by default commercial.
Take any correlation, action or interaction
It will boil down to something commercial.

The inherent reason is being too physical
Physical body being only hope of survival?
So we imagine, and so we are all but mad
Huffing and puffing ,  to make it immortal!

We cater to its  fancifully wayward wishes
Pamper  and overfeed it with fancy dishes.
We give it comforts  that turn it  moribund.
Tell me of a guy who not a scar nourishes!

Whoever goes beyond physical to cardinal?
We have sidelined that which is reverantial.
The ongoing war hysteria of sickly minds is
To save the sickly physical. Is it  so crucial?

Past this physical body , is the energy body
It's the energy body that sustains this body.
Still we forget to  contact this  energy body
In turn it fails to support  the physical body!

Had we taken advantage of the contiguity
And been in  conversation with  this entity
We would escape all the woes of rat race
We find ourselves in; and be in tranquility!

Were we conversant with the energy body
We would not behave like we were groggy
Rapacious, self-aggrandizing, jackbooted?
'Being' in 'human being' is the energy body!

Only a human being  can  know  this 'being'.
None else is designed  to know  this 'being'.
Is it  not  'once in an aeon' chance  to  grab?
If only we knew how 'to be', to regain 'being'!

Meditation is the science of knowing 'being'
Meditation isn't  challenging if one is willing
To make some changes in one's  living style.
Meditation will take you to your inner 'being'! 

Glimpse of the energy body is the beginning
To begin to relate with it  marks  the 'rooting'
To get merged into the energy body is  'being'
Then physical body works as a human being!

Shiv Shambho 
Ajit Sambodhi. 

Thursday, August 11, 2022

बंधन भी रंजन भी

एक बंधन अच्छा लगता है 
उस  को  कहते  रक्षाबंधन
एक धागा क्या  बाँध  दिया 
मन महक उठा जैसे चन्दन।

साँस  बनी  एक  धागा  है 
गुपचुप  छुपकर  बाँधा  है 
जीवन  को  ही   बाँधा  है 
फ़िर भी  उसको साधा  है।

प्यार भी तो एक बंधन है 
प्यारा  सा   गठबंधन   है 
नि:शब्द सही आवेदन  है 
एक पूजा है और वंदन है।

आकाश ने ढकके रक्खा है 
पूरे  ख़याल  से   रक्खा  है 
प्यार की  रिदा ओढ़ा दी है 
बंधन में खोल के रक्खा है।

बंधन  भी  है , रंजन  भी है 
द्वैत का करता भंजन भी है 
सब करता , नहीं भी करता
कैसी माया , निरंजन भी है।


शिव शम्भो
अजित सम्बोधि।

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

hitting half century, well done!

You  know  today's  takeaway?
Well, it's midcentury noonday!
That brings  us here , you see
To celebrate the day with you!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you!

When do you make a century?
Never  say it's a big trajectory!
We are tough guys , you know
We hope to be  there with you !
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you!

Life is  what  you  make it
It has  always been  like it
We know you can make it
That's why we're with you!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you!

The assemblage assures you
That all of us here, adore you
Both who saw light of the day
Much after you or before you!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you!

Shiv Shambho 
Ajit Sambodhi. 

Sunday, August 7, 2022


बहुत गई थोड़ी रही, वा  ऊ  बीती  जाय
नटनी सूँ नटवर कहे, ताल भंग मत लाय।
मुँह से अब तक कोई ने, दई नहीं हँकार
कान  ढँके  बैठे सभी , ताल भई  बेकार।
कहत कबीर सुनो भाई साधो 
साहिब मिले सबूरी में।
द्रुपद सुता और गज कूँ तो  
साहिब मिले मजबूरी में।
चलती चक्की देख के , दिया कबीरा रोय
दो पाटन के बीच में, साबित बचा न कोय।
चलती चक्की देख के, हँसा कमाल ठठाय
कील सहारे जो रहे, ताहि काल नहिं खाय।

चलती चक्की देख के, देखा एक  कमाल 
पीसन हारी पिस  गई, बाकी करें  मलाल।
रात गवाई सोय के, दिवस गवायो खाइ
हीरा जनम अमूल , कौड़ी  बदले जाइ।
रात बितावें स्वाँग में, दिन बीतत है सोइ
ऐसे ठाठ कलजुग में , हर काहू के होंइ।
माला फेरत जुग गया , मिटा न मनका फेर
करका मनका फेंक के, मनका मनका फेर।
करका मनका, मनका मनका, सबहि दे बिसार
स्वासाँ  आवत  जात  कूँ , पल  पल  तू  निहार।
धीरे  धीरे  रे  मना, धीरे  सब  कुछ  होय
माली सींचे सौ घड़ा, ऋतु आए फल होय।
फ़ास्ट अबकी ज़िन्दगी, फ़ास्ट अबका फ़ूड
फ़ास्ट   इन्टरनेट   से , बने   सबका    मूड।
साईं इतना दीजिये, जामें कुटुम समाय
मैं भी भूखा ना रहूँ, साधु न भूखा जाय।
साईं इतना दीजिए, हो जाऊँ मालामाल
साधू भी साधें माल , ऐसा  कर  कमाल।
बड़ो भयो तो का भयो, जैसे पेड़ खजूर 
पंथी को छाया नहीं, फल लागे अति दूर।
चुलिस्तान  में जहाँ, कोई न  दरख़्त  उगाइ
खजूर वहाँ भी पथिक ने देवत है फल लाइ।
बुरा जो देखन मैं चला, बुरा न दीखा कोय
जो मन देखा आपना, मुझसे बुरा न कोय।
भला जो देखन मैं चला, बुरा न दीखा कोय
जो मन  देखा  आपना , मैं भी  बुरा न कोय।
जग में  बैरी कोई नहीं, जो मन शीतल होय
यहाँ आपा तो डाल दे , दया करे  सब कोय।
बैरी तो  हम  आपणे , और  न  दूजा कोय
मन से गरब मिटाइ दो, सखा बने हर कोय।

तज़मीन= Parody. चुलिस्तान=रेगिस्तान।

शिव शम्भो
अजित सम्बोधि।

Thursday, August 4, 2022

करिष्ये वचनं तव

अर्जुन बरबख़्त था , कन्हैया का दोस्त था 
रिश्ता था राब्ता था , बिलकुल  पैबस्त था
कन्हैया ने उसको जो बता दिया, गिराँ  था  
आगे आने वालों का अच्छा बन्दोबस्त था।

अर्जुन ने कहा था , मैं हर वक़्त याद रखूँगा 
जो मुझको बताया , वो कभी ना भुलाऊँगा 
बड़ी ग़लती की ख़ुद को बराबर का समझा
वो ग़लती, आदि देव, मैं फ़िर ना दुहराऊँगा ।

जो आज धारा बहाई, उसी में बहता रहूँगा 
न उससे बाहर जाके, कभी भटका करूँगा 
तुम्हीं हो ज़िन्दगी, तुम्हीं धारा , विश्वेश्वर
तुम्हीं हो किनारा मेरा, तुम्हें  पकड़े  रखूँगा।

अर्जुन का कहा  मुसल्सल  याद  रखना है 
ज़िन्दगी की धारा में  हमको बहते रहना है 
हम भी कुछ हैं , ये तो क़तई भूल जाना  है 
हर मोड़पे किनाया-ए-कान्हा याद रखना है।

बरबख़्त=भाग्यशाली। राब्ता=मेलजोल।
पैबस्त=जुड़ा हुआ।गिराँ=बेश क़ीमती।
किनाया-ए-कान्हा=कान्हा का इशारा।

ओम् शान्ति:
अजित सम्बोधि।

Monday, August 1, 2022

मम माया दुरत्यया

पहले कभी न जो किसी को था बताया 
हो ऋषि योगी या भक्त, नहीं था बताया 
ये कैसी सख़ावत दिखाई , तुमने कान्हा 
वो भेद सहजमें निज सखा को, बताया!

तुम्हारी माया दुस्तर , ये तुमने बता दिया
तीनों गुणों से भरपूर, ये तुमने बता दिया
कोई न इसको भेद सके, और बता दिया
तुम्हीं मसला तुम्हीं वसीला भी बता दिया।

Kanha , it's a clean confession!
Who makes such a confession?
Can you provide  any  example? 
How fortunate  was dear Arjun!

क्या साफ़गोई है, कान्हा तुमने दिखा दिया 
कितने दियानतदार हो , तुमने बतला दिया 
हमारी इबादत अगर जो मुकम्मल है रहती 
माया का पर्दा हटता है, तुमने बतला दिया।

तुमको याद रखना कोई मुश्किल तो नहीं है 
तुम्हीं जब आमिल, मुझे कुछ करना नहीं है 
कभी हो पोशीदा कभी पोलाब, तुम्हारे संग
आँख मिचोली  खेलना मुश्किल  तो नहीं है।

सख़ावत=उदारता। वसीला=ज़रिया।
दियानतदार=ईमानदार। आमिल = कर्ता धरता।
पोशीदा=invisible. पोलाब=visible.

ओम् शान्ति:
अजित सम्बोधि।