Which is not too good for workability.
Some awareness is needed to pitch in
& switch mechanicality with religiosity.
Mechanicality turns man into machine
Wherein he acts as a matter of routine
It's not congenial for man's real growth
It sustains him on robotized adrenaline.
If you do so much as close your eyes
And feel the dancing of breath pixies
And keep it going for a period of time
You shall be sensing it with open eyes.
That is when you do things relaxedly
Feeling scintilatingly, matter of factly.
The idea of doership won't touch you.
Work will happen by itself, ingeniously.
This is a state of mind worth attaining
If one can do it , it is worth bargaining!
People give high sounding words to it.
But I would say , it is quite fascinating!
Om Shantih
Ajit Sambodhi.